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What are event driven trading strategies?

The event driven trading strategies are normally implemented through equities or credit securities such as bonds. There are different types of strategies in the event driven space. The two types of event driven investing are: Merger Arbitrage. Distressed debt.

What is event-driven investing?

Event-Driven Investing is a strategy wherein investors capitalize on pricing inefficiencies caused by corporate events such as mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, and bankruptcies. What is the Definition of Event-Driven Investing?

What is an example of a corporate event-driven strategy?

Generally investors have teams of specialists who analyze corporate actions from multiple perspectives, before recommending action. Examples of corporate events include mergers and acquisitions, regulatory changes, and earnings calls. Event-driven strategies have multiple methods of execution.

What events to use for finding trading opportunities?

What events to use for finding trading opportunities. Broadly speaking, any event that has the potential to change the stock price is a tradable event. But, not all events have the same power over the price action. Some are micro-events and others are macro events that are long-lasting forces that can generate trend momentum.

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